Women presence at board and managerial levels: from the Equality Organic Law (2007) to the -projected draft- of the Parity Organic Law (2024)
On December 28th., 2024 the deadline for the transposition of Directive 2022/2381 will come to an end. This Directive deals with the improvement of “gender balance” among board members of listed companies. The promotion of women presence at board level is regulated on the actual legislation in force, the Equality Organic Law of 2007 (art. 75); but this provision lacks a compulsory nature. In this respect, the need to incorporate the content of the Directive -which introduces an obligatory system of quota for women on boards- into the Spanish legal system, is the perfect opportunity to analyze the projected draft of the Parity Organic Law (2024). This legislative proposal not only enhances what is stated on the Directive, but it goes beyond its content, by increasing its scopes of application and by regulating gender parity in other public institutions and organisms. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze, from a threefold point of view -social, business-orientated and equality protection legislation, the pretended modifications included on the draft of the Parity Organic Law (2024). In this sense, it is required to tackle the suitability of introducing quotas, as well as, of course, the many problems and detected loopholes that could be found within the projected legislation.
How to Cite
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