Ordaindutako zaintza lanen inguruko hausnarketa: EAEko kasua



Published 13-09-2011
Mertxe Larrañaga Yolanda Jubeto


Housework and care are fundamental for the maintenance of our living standards and for the functioning of the economic system. In the last few years, we have observed an increase in the outsourcing of this work by means of the contracting of private and/or public services. This article attempts to analyze the current situation and tendencies of this outsourcing process within the ambit of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. To do so, we will study the characteristics of the domestic employees and the work they carry out, above all in the field of care. With regard to the public sector, we will focus on the still incipient development of the Law of Dependence and the Law of Social Services of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, both regarded as fundamental in the construction of the fourth pillar of the Welfare State. We will place special emphasis in their financing problems.

How to Cite

Larrañaga, M., & Jubeto, Y. (2011). Ordaindutako zaintza lanen inguruko hausnarketa: EAEko kasua. Lan Harremanak, (18). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.2806
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