El Derecho de Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social ante el nuevo grado de Relaciones Laborales. Retos y perspectivas



Published 19-10-2011
Mikel Urrutikoetxea Barrutia


This article seeks to analyse the future Degree in Industrial Relations following the publication of RD 193/2007 and the relevant contribution by the fields of Labour Law and Social Security. First of all, the reform in the framework of the ESHE is contextualised to set out the guidelines of the new situation following the enactment of this decree. The situation of the regulated professions and the consideration of the profession of Industrial Relations specialist as such is then considered in greater depth. Finally, the role of Labour Law and Social Security with respect to this qualification is considered based on their contribution to the acquisition of the competences of the main professional spheres of the future graduates.

How to Cite

Urrutikoetxea Barrutia, M. (2011). El Derecho de Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social ante el nuevo grado de Relaciones Laborales. Retos y perspectivas. Lan Harremanak, (17). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.3080
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