De una legislación proteccionista a una normativa neutra en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales



Published 16-02-2012
Edurne López Rubia


This work attempts to analyse the different regulations issued by diverse authorities (international, EU and national) which have been aimed at regulating the working conditions of women separately from those of men. These regulations are characterised by their protectionist nature. In other words, they have been issued with the aim of protecting the «weakest» subjects on the labour market, i.e. women. This has given rise to the fact that women have not found it at all easy to gain access to employment or to remain in employment. We shall also study what effect the EU Directive has had on equality between men and women, in addition to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice in the process of development of all «protectionist» legislation. Lastly, we shall assess the current regulations governing the prevention of risks at work in the light of all the aforementioned.

How to Cite

López Rubia, E. (2012). De una legislación proteccionista a una normativa neutra en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales. Lan Harremanak, (23).
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