La incidencia del 'mobbing' o acoso psicológico en el trabajo en España. Resultados del barómetro CISNEROS II® sobre violencia en el entorno laboral



Published 23-04-2012
Iñaki Piñuel y Zabala Araceli Oñate Cantero


This project puts forward a description of psychological harassment in organisations and how it significantly affects the efficiency in human resources, deteriorating the health of the affected workers who suffer serious problems which result in their resigning as well as a progressive psychological deterioration. Definitions and most common forms of harassment are included together with the analysis data of the «Second Investigation on violence in working environments» carried out by the authors and students of the Business and Tourism schools of the UAH (CC Empresariales y Turismo) in January of 2002, using the Cisneros Barometre II.

How to Cite

Piñuel y Zabala, I., & Oñate Cantero, A. (2012). La incidencia del ’mobbing’ o acoso psicológico en el trabajo en España. Resultados del barómetro CISNEROS II® sobre violencia en el entorno laboral. Lan Harremanak, (7).
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APARTADO I: Presentación