El 'mobbing' como enfermedad del trabajo



Published 23-04-2012
Olga Padial Ortiz Margarita de la Iglesia Marí


In this essay, the essential elements are extracted in order to identify a situation of moral harassment at work. Moreover, it is analysed from both the Legal and Forensic Medicine perspective and Labour Medicine perspective as a true psychological torture which affects the moral integrity of the person at work as a consequence of this working illness. This clinical-labour information is confirmed which must make doctors suspect the existence of moral harassment. To reach an accurate and Certain Diagnostic, a Differential Diagnostic is carried out with a group of pathologies that due to symptomatic similarities, could make an error in the diagnostic. This differential diagnostic relies on three types of criteria: employee and job characteristics; firm and workers involvement; and main signs of each pathology. As a personal suggestion, the extent of incapacity foreseen in the legal working rules are adapted in the patient's assessment in case of resulting consequences, applying them to each particular case of moral harassment at work.

How to Cite

Padial Ortiz, O., & de la Iglesia Marí, M. (2012). El ’mobbing’ como enfermedad del trabajo. Lan Harremanak, (7). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.5828
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APARTADO IV: Aspectos Médico-psicológicos