El mundo del trabajo postfordista en la Italia de la acumulación flexible
In order to understand the evolution into the post-fordist era from the previous fordist one, at the beginning of this article we will be focusing on the importance of bearing in mind the relation among the different elements which have an effect on the flexible accumulation model, due to the fact that the model changes cannot be explained only by means of the deindustrialization and industrial reconversion processes, but on the basis of the need for restructuring and diversifying the capitalism model. Afterwards, we will analyse the Italian labour market from a regional point of view. We will begin with a componential analysis, followed by a cluster analysis, after which it will be possible to appreciate remarkable structural changes and the extent to which the model of stable employment is gradually disappearing. Also, we will mention the need for law reforms concerning employment as a means of reducing social differences. Finally, we will be dealing with the role of communication in the new economic model, as well as how certain socio-economic tendencies resulting from the way companies see the concept of flexibility are spread within and imposed upon all the spheres of society.
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