Nazioarteko berregituraketa produktiboaren ondorio espáciala. Industrializazio zaharreko erregioei buruzko hausnarketa



Published 23-04-2012
Helena Franco Goio Etxebarria Kerexeta


At the heart of the western economies, the Regions of Former Industrialisation are those which have been most affected by the restructuring which has taken place throughout the world in the last few decades. In this article, we would like to direct our reflections beyond the underlying causes of the specific problem of this kind of region towards the different ways which they can choose to overcome the situation of depression into which they have fallen. In this sense, we will begin precisely with the option among all those possible to which least attention is generally paid: transformation into an industrially advanced region based on the regeneration of mature technologies; then, we will stop to examine the approach which prevails nowadays (specifically, transformation into an advanced international metropolis); finally, we will also deal with the option of polinuclear urban regions. In our opinion, the fact that we will consider more than one model undoubtedly allows us to enrich the theoretical reflections, but, moreover, this may prove to be of great utility for the affected regions, when the time comes to design and reconduct their own development policies.

How to Cite

Franco, H., & Etxebarria Kerexeta, G. (2012). Nazioarteko berregituraketa produktiboaren ondorio espáciala. Industrializazio zaharreko erregioei buruzko hausnarketa. Lan Harremanak, (6).
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