Atypical employment and labour market



Published 23-04-2012
María Eugenia Senise Barrio


In the last two decades, a significant percentage of EU country members has carried out certain changes in their regulations on matters affecting the labour market. The development of new legislation aimed at promoting the so-called «atypical» labour contracts, that is, temporary and part-time contracts, is one of the reforms most widely-implemented. As a result of those regulations, the share of these contract modalities within the total employment figure has increased significantly, thus producing a segmentation of the labour market. The present study has two basic goals. Firstly, it aims to establish the atypical workers' fundamental characteristics within the European Union, with a stress on the main similarities and differences found with regard to the Spanish situation. Secondly, the study aims to determine whether labour contracts on a part-time basis can be considered as an efficient instrument for the employment growth.

How to Cite

Senise Barrio, M. E. (2012). Atypical employment and labour market. Lan Harremanak, (5).
Abstract 871 | PDF (Español) Downloads 189


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