Vol. 31 No. 2 (2016)
Fictional Names and Literary Characters: A Defence of Abstractism
Abstract 896 | PDF Downloads 640 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.15193
Page 143-158
La crítica de Leibniz a los números infinitos y su repercusión en la metafísica de los cuerpos.
Abstract 676 | PDF Downloads 876 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.14935
Page 159-175
Another problem with RBN models of mechanisms
Abstract 691 | PDF Downloads 463 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.14502
Page 177-188
Simplicity, Language-Dependency and the Best System Account of Laws
Abstract 594 | PDF Downloads 553 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.14558
Page 189-206
Immunity in Context: Science and Society in Dialogue
Abstract 830 | PDF Downloads 869 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.14560
Page 207-224
Acerca de la independencia de los modelos respecto de las teorías
Abstract 1898 | PDF Downloads 830 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.15235
Page 225-245
Empiricism and Relationism Intertwined: Hume and Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity
Abstract 1321 | PDF Downloads 782 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.14846
Page 247-263
Andrea Bianchi, ed. 2015. On Reference
Abstract 359 | PDF Downloads 594 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.16252
Page 267-270
Gustavo Caponi. 2014. Leyes sin causa y causas sin ley en la explicación biológica
Abstract 265 | PDF Downloads 349 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.16254
Page 270-272
José L. Zalabardo. 2015. Representation and Reality in Wittgenstein's Tractatus
Abstract 264 | PDF Downloads 409 | DOI https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.16258
Page 272-275