Agiritegiak. Gizarte Zientzien ikaskuntza-irakaskuntzarako gunea



Argitaratua 2014-09-08
Aritza Saenz del Castillo


Taking into account new pedagogic views and thinking about the great importance of students in learning process, this article makes reflection about the power of Council Archives in teaching-learning Social Sciences in Primary and Secondary Education, helped by small researching projects. In this way, the following pages will research the education project of Vitoria-Gasteiz's Council Archive «Pilar Arostegui», titled «Archivos. Vitoria-Gasteiz como espacio educativo», underlining its advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Archives, teaching-learning process, didactic resources, information sources, Primary-Secondary education, History.

Abstract 191 | PDF Downloads 123

