Irakasle identitateari hurbilketa bat behaketa autoetnografikoaren bidez



Argitaratua 2014-09-08
Irati de Pablo Delgado Alaitz Tresserras Angulo Israel Alonso Sáez


This paper is an autoethnographic observation of the stay in a classroom of second Primary Education during the last period of practice of Elementary Education Degree. The oral interaction between the practice teacher and children is analized through ethnographic methodology,using a categorical system based on the proposal of Flanders (1977). The results are useful to know and share some characteristics of the behavior and teaching identity of the author as an apprentice teacher, making it possible to obtain new resources for self-knowledge in her initial training and contributing to the educational community proposals for the improvement of teaching and learning processes.

Keywords: Teacher identity. Teaching-learning interaction. Autoethnographic
methodology. University education.

Abstract 275 | PDF Downloads 199

