Bullying homofobikoari buruzko aurrezagutzak



Argitaratua 2019-03-08
Amets Zarraga Eneko Tejada Arantzazu López de la Serna Naiara Bilbao



Bullying is a current problem that occurs in education and has recently become extremely important for society. However, homophobic bullying has not been given the importance it should have. This one, refers to the harassment that is suffered by sexual orientation or condition, sometimes being the reason for such negative behaviors. Therefore, with this research work, by quantitative study, it has been analyzed the knowledge that primary education teachers have on this matter. The inormation received shows that education professionals have a general idea of the subject, but exposes the lack of precision about homophobic bullying.
KEYWORDS: bullying, homophobic bullying, preconceptions.


Bullying-a eskolan errepikatua izan den eta azken aldian gizartearentzat garrantzia duen arazoa da. Eskola jazarpena duen aldaeretako bati, hots, bullying homofobikoari oraindik ez zaio behar besteko garrantzia eman. Azkeneko honek, ikasle batzuek bullying-a orientazio edo baldintza sexualarengatik sufritzen duten erasoei erreferentzia egiten dio, jokaera negatiboen arrazoia delarik. Hortaz, ikerketa lan honen bitartez, Lehen Hezkuntzako bost ikastetxeetako irakasleriak problematika honen inguruan duen ezagutza maila aztertu da. Ikerketan jasotako datuek, hezkuntzako profesionalek gaiaren inguruan ideia orokor bat dutela adierazi duten arren, bullying homofobiko kontzeptuaren inguruko zehaztapenak falta zaizkiela jaso da emaitzetan.

GAKO-HITZAK: eskola jazarpena, bullying homofobikoa, aurreiritziak.

Abstract 603 | PDF Downloads 787

