Gorputza eta identitatearen eraikuntza Haur Hezkuntzako hezitzaileen ikuspegitik



Argitaratua 2018-07-06
Eider Goñi Palacios Iraide Donaire Amaia Alvarez-Uria


The present work intends to approach the conception that professionals of the Preschool Education have about on the body, in relation to gender identity. Given the increasingly widespread discourse on the need to overcome a binarist model (male or female), in the 5 interviews and in the 5 discussion groups analyzed here, various difficulties are identified, among others, absence of training and time for joint reflection, lack of stability of the templates in schools and, finally, defined projects. Educational activities in preschool classes are carried out following two main approaches: on the one hand, there is a direct, explicit work, through traditional methodological resources such as silhouettes or something more innovative such as small projects; and, on the other hand, a transversal work that is carried out on a day to day basis in the usual spaces as "txokos", assemblies or toilets. However, there is doubt about the real change, since the scope of activities with explicit objectives is more limited, whereas the work that ismost effective, the transversal one in its words, is seldom preceded by the necessary conditions: training, reflection and joint definition. A review of the didactic resources available in Basque is also carried out.

Abstract 821 | PDF Downloads 2175

