Eskola-doikuntza: kontzeptua, adierazleak, ereduak, neurketa, aldakortasuna eta hari lotutako aldagaiak



Argitaratua 2018-07-06
Oihane Fernández-Lasarte Eider Goñi Palacios Igor Camino Ortiz de Barrón Iratxe Antonio-Agirre


School adjustment is a significant factor for positive development in adolescence and youth. In this study, an updated theoretical revision on the previous research is conducted about school adjustment ́s concept, indicators, explanatory models and measures. Besides, variability in school adjustment is analysed according to sex and age as well as its relationship with contextual variables of students. Despite a lack ofagreement regarding the conceptualization of the construct, a multifactorial structureis currently accepted. The indicators analysed include: academic performance, expectations and social integration. Although differences between sex and age are not decisive, results, in general, tend to be favourable to girls and early adolescence. Likewise, the influence of contextual variables onschool adjustment is confirmed, such as perceived support from teachers, family and peers. Finally, conclusions are developed.

Key words: school adjustment, academic performance, school integration, academic expectations, adolescence, revision.


Abstract 441 | PDF Downloads 663

