Gender and mathematics competence



Published 2014-09-08
Ainhitze Larrañaga Paula Elosua Jonathan Chinchilla


The underrepresentation of women in higher education in the areas of science and technology has sparked interest in the scientific community for years. Among the reasons that explain this circumstance has been appealed to the different mathematical literacy between women and men. The literature on math skills respect to gender, reveals that math competence has to be interpreted in relation to two factors; the age and, the dimensions in which math competence is divided. In this context, the objective of this study was to analyze the differences in math competence in gender at early ages. This work examines the performance on a math test and evaluates the differences between gender according to four dimensions: (1) Quantity, (2) Space and shape; (3)Changes, relations and uncertainties; and (4)Problem resolution. The sample was composed of 18,045 primary school students, 8,771 females (48.6% ) and 9,274 males (51.4% ), aged from 10 to 11 years old and coming from the Basque Autonomous Community. Results showed gender-related differences in both, math competence and three of the four dimensions evaluated.

Keywords: Gender difference. Math competence. Primary education.


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