Fenomeno emozionalen eta sormenaren arteko erlazioak oinarrizko psikologiaren ikuspegitik



Published 2015-05-20
Goretti Soroa Martínez Aitor Aritzeta Galán Nekane Balluerka Lasa


Nowadays, the relationship between emotions and creativity constitutes a line of research of increasing interest. In addition, socio-emotional and creative skills are considered the cornerstone of improvement of academic achievement and job performance. Yet, an important issue still to be handled in deep is the relationship between emotional and creative phenomena. In this work, we put together the main contributions of the scientific literature on this issue. In the first part, the relationship between the emotional tone (positive or negative), the activation level (high, medium or low) and emotional regulation focus (promotion or prevention) are analyzed. In the second part, we present some of the most significant theoretical models investigating emotion-creative interaction defining, at the same time, their dimensions. In the third part, some recommendations are proposed for teachers or school tutors in order to improve their teaching-learning processes. Finally, some conclusions are elaborated and developed with the aim generating future research.

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