Iraupen luzeko irakasleriaren garapenaren eraginkortasuna: irakasleriaren kontzepzioetan, hurbilketan eta kultura instituzionalean



Published 2015-05-20
Alba Madinabeitia Ezkurra Idoia Fernandez Fernandez


This article is based on a comprehensive concept of faculty development and studies the impact of the ERAGIN development strategy. For this, two areas of impact are analyzed the teacher individual level and the organizational and institutional levels.

To realize this analysis we take the first promotion of ERAGIN program to develop active teaching methodologies (Case Method, Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning). Through a long-term strategy (350 hours) and working in co-mentoring groups, this research provides empirical evidence of the impact not only on teaching skills and conceptions about teaching and learning (T-L) but also on the ability for T-L research (scholarship of teaching and learning) as well as on educational leadership. Those aspects point out organizational change and support the progressive realization of the hybrid curriculum.

Therefore along the article we will discuss the following aspects: our goals and that the theoretical keys that support them, empirical context of this research, the methodology, the results and finally, the general conclusions.

Abstract 298 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 413

