Ahozko adierazpena eta dramatizazioa Haur Hezkuntzako irakasleen baliabide
This article, which is based on a Final Degree Dissertation deals with two ways of communication that teachers use in Infant Education: the oral expression and the dramatization. This project offers the opportunity to know the importance and benefits of these two ways of communication using them as educational resources. Likewise, the objective of this analysis is based on analyzing the importance and role of these two ways of communication in the educational practice. For it, the opinions and the contributions of five Infant Education teachers have been examined: what do they think about the oral expression and the dramatization? What is the importance of those two ways? How do they use them in their job? What strategies do they use? In conclusion, the paragraphs below show us how necessary teachers' oral expression and dramatization are in the learning process of Infant Education children.