Antzinako Ostatu-etxe izatetik Bigarren Hezkuntzako Institutu izatera. Bergarako Mintegiaren historia ikasleen ikuspegitik (1776-1860)



Published 2015-05-20
Alvaro Chaparro Sainz Igor Camino Ortiz de Barrón


Historical events definitely affect the life of educational institutions. In the case of the Royal Seminar of Vergara, some one hundred years of history saw the intervention of many different military, political, social and economic situations that threw this institution into a constant process of adjustment and variation. In this work, we aim at approaching a wider perspective on the study of this process, avoiding previous fragmented or partial angles. We consider that, in spite of the nominative changes or the alterations in the pedagogic profile of the Seminar, we are still before the same institution and it will remain the same from the 18th Century up to the mid-19th Century. To observe with major detail the evolution of this school, we have decided to focus our attention on the students, that is to say, on the principal agents of the institution. Through our penetrating examination of their biographies, we are able to discern if those historical changes that affected the institution did also alter the social profile of the students or, on the contrary, the Royal Seminar of Vergara kept being the first option for those families that had traditionally sent their children to this institution in order to provide them with an appropriate education.

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