Ikus-entzunezko teknikak (ist) irakastea: etorkizuneko ikus-entzunezkoetako profesionalen hezibidea



Published 2016-06-07
Beatriz Zabalondo Loidi Vanesa Fernández Guerra Estibaliz Alonso Ruiz de Erenchun Aintzane Pagadigorria Ruiz


In the Audiovisual Communication Degree course run by the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country, the subject Audiovisual Creativity Techniques (IST) is the cornerstone in the Production and Technical Direction Module and is given during the first year of the communication degree. The nature and aims of the subject inevitably lead to implementing the Project-based Learning Model (PBL): at the end of the semester the students are required to create and prepare a three to five-minute audiovisual sequence. The audiovisual sequences need to be of a sufficient quality to be presented at the IST Festival organised by the Faculty itself. The learning process in this subject is based on the steps that are followed in the audiovisual sector, and the aim is to accustom the students to and train them in the routines followed by professionals. So despite it being conceived as a pragmatic subject, knowledge of the theoretical aspects needed to produce audiovisual sequences has not been neglected: assessing the technical criteria and reflecting on them are also essential in the IST learning-teaching process.

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