Ikasle autoktonoak eta ikasle etorkinak Bilboko eskoletan: eskola mota eta praktika linguistikoak



Published 2016-06-07
Naiara Berasategi Sancho


The work presented is housed in a broader framework of research. This article describes the characteristics of the type of school and linguistic practices (Basque, Spanish and other languages) of the students (indigenous and immigrant) from 2 and 4 of the secondary education. After reviewing the demographic data and policies of the Department of Education of the Basque Government regarding the incorporation of new students to the Basque Education System, is applicable to the study of the characteristics of students of Bilbao on a sample of 989 pupils of 2 and 4 course of ESO. The type of school that students choose considering the type of school, the percentage of immigrant students and the language model are analyzed. On the other hand, the practices of the students in different spaces (at school, on the playground, family and friends) are analyzed. Finally, certain actions are planned that pose optimize and rethink strategies to improve the use of Basque and the use of immigrant languages.

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