Euskal toponimia, baserrien izenak eta deituren ondarea, Gizarte-Zientziak ikasteko abiapuntu. Bigarren hezkuntzarako proposamena



Published 2016-06-07
Ana Isabel Ugalde Joseba Arregi Orue


The paper presents a proposal for Social Sciences teaching-learning in Secondary Education. It starts with current Basque surnames that come from the name of the «baserriak», the traditional homes of the Basque provinces of Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, north Alava and Navarra and the French Basque Country. In times difficult to be determined, the communal lands began to be privatized, adopting the form of circular plots. The documentation written in romance language calls these plots «sel», a word of pre-Roman origin that was also kept in Basque language. Sels gave birth to a number of place names some of which were used to name the house built on these particular lands. These farm names in many cases also provided the surnames for individual Basque families living there. Our proposal identifies existing seles, displays a number of historical and geographical online tools and offers students a number of activities for building a socio-historical knowledge well related to their own reality.

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