Problemetan Oinarritutako Ikaskuntza (POI) unibertsitatean: bere aplikazioa ikerketa metodologiako irakasgai batean



Published 2016-06-07
Jone Aliri Lazcano Nerea Lertxundi Iribar Laura Vozmediano Sanz Ana Isabel Vergara Iraeta Arantxa Gorostiaga Manterola


The University of the Basque Country want to encourage the Cooperative and Dynamic Learning, and to do so, among other measures, has developed the ERAGIN program. One of the active methodologies that is trained in this program is the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology. Thus, the present article has two main objectives: to describe the application of PBL methodology in the course «Data analysis and Designs: Non-Experimental Method» which is offered on second grade of Psychology Degree in the University of the Basque Country, and to analyze the results obtained. The sample consisted in 242 students matriculated in the course. In order to achieve the course's competencies, in the PBL context students worked in a problem either individually or collectively. In relation to the results, from the students who selected PBL methodology, the majority (87,9%) passed the course. Furthermore, the correlations among the grades obtained in the different activities were positives and statistically significant. In the future, in order to better analyze the effectiveness of ABP methodology in a comprehensive way, it will be useful to assess the perception that students have about the methodology besides their academic grades.

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