Elbarritasun bat duten Bigarren Hezkuntzako ikasleen jarduera fisiko eta atsedenaldietan gertatzen diren egoeren azterketa



Published 2016-06-07
Saioa Redin Azkona Xabier Iantzi Irigoien


The aim of this study was to analyze the physical activity habits, the favorite activities during the school breaks, the nature of the activities practiced during the school breaks, the relationship of the teachers and students of the Secondary students with disabilities. In this study participated 11 secondary school students with special needs (8 girls and 3 boys). These students were aged between 14-21 years of old. According to the results of this study, even be friends, they like to play and have fun in the activities, the most practiced activity in reality he was walking through the courtyard of the students had a disability. Disability in their students during the breaks one of the most socio-engines were practiced. Regarding the relationship with teachers, most of who come to the students who were teachers.

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