Heziketa Fisikoko bi irakasleren jardueraren azterketa: jakintza-arloaren eta hizkuntzaren arteko artikulazioaren aztarnak



Published 2017-05-23
David Fernández Jiménez Agurtzane Azpeitia Eizagirre


The aim of this article is to examine the activity of two physical education teachers and how they perform it. So it has emphasized three specific objectives: first, to analyse typical actions carried out by the two teachers of physical education and also to emerge the regularities that exist in them. Second, to analyse how these teachers typify or characterize those actions. And thirdly, to analyse if some articulation between physical education and the language takes place in these activities and, if it is so, it is also our duty to analyse how they are made. In order to do that, it will consider the self-confrontation interviews done by two physical education teachers from an Ikastola in Gipuzkoa. All this is part of the analysis of action and the continuous training research. Its main goal is to understand the actions of physical education teachers, so new training resources can be created. The first results show that in the activities of the teachers of physical education there are regularities and privileged areas to articulate with the language, but they are not intentionally worked on.

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