Intentziozko irakurketa ozena: lehen urratsak



Published 2017-05-23
Eneritz A. Garcia-Arriola Mikel Iruskieta Quintian


Communicative competence is a topic that has become very popular in recent years. If one wants to communicate or show intentions to get some effects on the hearer, she must practice the pragmatic value of some strategies. We think that reading aloud can be the first step for learners, since knowing what to communicate is most of the times the first difficulty that can be solved easily, if one chooses a good text. Moreover, some communicative intentions are signalled graphically (on text) and with communicative strategies (in audiovisuals). The aim of this paper is to clarify the main phenomena of reading aloud and we show some published examples in a systematic way. These phenomena will be presented by a shallow approach to reach beginner readers, since there are some difficult phenomena that need a more exhaustive explanation. Thus, this paper can be of interest of those beginners who want to improve their intentional reading aloud.

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