Ikaskuntza aktiboan oinarritutako eredu baten aplikazioa marketin arloan



Published 2017-06-14
Virginia Rincón Unai Tamayo


Active learning makes it possible to develop the content of several marketing subjects through work on the same project and places the learning process in a real context. This article presents the design and implementation of an active learning model. The model ensures that students develop the content and skills envisaged in different marketing subjects in a coordinated manner and take a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. On the one hand, we present the planning process of the subjects involved in the new active learning model. On the other hand, we also explain the implementation process, taking into account the most significant results and the students' perceptions. In conclusion, we underscore this model's capacity to integrate the content of different marketing subjects and develop a global perspective on marketing.

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