Unibertsitateko irakasleen profesionalizazio baterantz: azterketa teorikoa
Alba Madinabeitia
Idoia Fernández
Faculty development is recognized as a relevant factor for improving the quality of education in higher education institutions. However, behind this term different conceptions and practices are hiding. This article aims to analyze the changes and continuities of this concept over time and to understand deeply the complexity of their meanings, for which we will approach the construction of these meanings in their socio-historical contexts of production and scientific research. This perspective of analysis allows us to conclude that it has been moving from an approach oriented to supporting teachers in their development as teachers, professionals and/or academics, towards another, focused on promoting effective teaching and learning processes at micro and macro level. These challenges highlight the need to foster broader visions that, beyond teachers, focus on organizations, frameworks, and infrastructures that target teaching and learning.