Gender treatment evaluation in science textbooks



Published 2020-07-06
Lide Arana Alaitz Santos


Gender bias exist in many aspects of our society, and science is not an exception. The experts in this field indicate that education can be a key factor to end with gender bias and therefore, co-education should be guaranteed. Thus, educational materials and methodology must be reviewed in order to ensure their suitability. The appropriate educational material represents women and men in an equivalent manner, avoiding stereotypes and sexist language, hence, providing proper models to young students. In this research, 14 textbooks from two different high schools have been analyzed in order to evaluate gender treatment. Apart from textbook analysis, teachers of these subjects have been interviewed to know their point of view and compare it to the obtained data. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that our textbooks do not respect gender equality because women are underrepresented and some stereotypes are still present. Nonetheless, some textbooks present exercises related to the integration of female scientists’ works. Hence, there is still a room for improvement and sensitization of educational system is essential for the disappearance of gender bias from the classrooms.
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gender bias, textbooks, female scientist, co-education, bachillerato
