Educational processes of the Basque language: educational technology and language technology



Published 2021-02-06
Abel Camacho Mikel Iruskieta


Although digital technology is present in our life, we can suffer two different problems coming from opposite poles: the rapid or inadequate transformation of technology in language teach- ing and the scarce development of language technologies in under-resources languages communities like Basque.

In this article, we want to explore how technology can contribute to the learning, teaching and re- search processes of Basque in a multimodal teaching approach. To this end, we describe those chal- lenges that students and teachers have from the technological point of view, explaining and giving ex- amples of technology that can help in the learning process of Basque language. Furthermore, we stress the importance of addressing personal deficiencies, as well as deficiencies of the learning community and infrastructures that works for the development of language technology in the teaching of Basque for adults.

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basque, educational technology, language technology, teaching processes, learning processes, acquisition of Basque language for adults
