Pre-service teachers and writing evaluation: attitudes and behaviors
In recent decades, evaluation has acquired pedagogical status in the field of language teaching. As a result of its value as didactic tool and its importance during the acquisition process, evaluation has distinguished itself from grading. This fact is even more significant when teaching writ- ing. In this work, the purpose is to know the attitudes and behaviours of preservice teachers regarding to the evaluation of this skill. This article analyses what they understand by evaluation and the ideas they have internalised before starting their professional practice. For that, 51 students in the last year of the Primary Education degree answered a questionnaire on this topic. The results show that, in gen- eral, they have an educational view of evaluation and they know the tools they can use for that pur- pose. However, they are aware that they still need more training than that received in their university studies.
evaluation, writing evaluation, future teacher, attitudes, Primary Education