Portafolioa eta lan-ekipoak. Talde Dinamika ikasgaian burututako esperientziaren azalpena



Published 2011-10-19
J. Inazio Marko Juanikorena


The context for this work lies in a project called «Research/action project to analyse the methodology of work teams applied to the classroom using the Portfolio as a tool to manage learning and continual evaluation» which has been developed in the 06/07 period within the Grants Programme for Education Innovation Projects (PIE) run by UPV/EHU. It is a project which also follows a UPV/EHU Quality Chair line of action which relates the EFQM model with university teaching and has focussed criteria relating to the learning processes on issues corresponding to leadership (for the teacher, students, etc.), persons (group work, communication, problem management, …) and results (self-assessments, joint evaluations, …).

The project's main target is to make progress in systemising the work team methodology applied in the classroom and test out the validity of the 'portfolios' as a complementary instrument to this methodology, as well as developing self-assessment and joint evaluation instruments.

This article presents the development and results from the experiment applied in the Group Dynamics course within the Social Education diploma.
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