Bazterreraturiko kolore-hitzen artean, osasuntsuak (ajerekin bada ere)
Txema Preciado Saez de Ocariz
This article completes the work which began in the previous issue dedicated to demonstrating that, within the world of colour, there is not only a preponderance for non Basque speaking vision but that among the Basque terms themselves, many are relegated into the background and eventually lost altogether.
On this occasion, we will look in greater depth at the group of terms which are still used today and explore their extra, hidden meanings. They all share the attribute that, although they are more likely to be applied as a chromatic term, they are in no way specific and easily identifiable and can frequently be used with another type of meaning, aside from colour.
The final part aims to be used as a reflection on the current situation in Basque culture in the case of colour phenomena and propose some possible lines of action, particularly from the educational field.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##