Hezkuntza-kooperatiben egoera EAE-n
This action falls within the framework of the Strategic Plan 2004-2007 aimed at boosting the development of an Agreement to Promote Cooperatives in the search for better social cohesion. Early analysis of the challenges which this conjuncture sets the Basque education system led the Euskadi Teaching Cooperative Federation (FCEE), in collaboration with the Basque Government, to create an Education Observatory contributes to detecting strategic problems for Basque society and to articulating alternatives in order to make improvements.
Within this context, it was proposed to study the contribution of Basque cooperatives to social cohesion in the field of education, taken from a three-way point of view: a) students requiring special education; b) schooling immigrant students; and c) linguistic standardisation: Basque
The objective of this work has been to obtain real data from the different fields both referring to cooperatives as education systems in the Basque Country and making some comparisons with the rest of the Basque education system network.