Zenbateraino ezagutzen dute euskarazko tradizioa irakasle- eta kazetari-gaiek?



Published 2011-10-20
Julian Maia Larretxea Ane Beldarrain Amoriza Maite Serna Martínez


For approximately 25 years, the Basque language has experienced considerable expansion at all levels of education in the Basque Country. In this process, the number of school age Basque speakers has grown considerably, but due to the fact that the process of introducing the Basque language has taken place in a situation where there is contact with languages such as Spanish, new linguistic uses have emerged, particularly in the linguistic activity of the youngest speakers, which is distancing it from the tradition language. This is not a surprising phenomenon given the social strength of the Spanish language, but we believe that it should not be accepted with resignation, especially when these new emerging forms occur in abundance and they significantly alter the system of the Basque language, producing noises which make communication difficult between Basque speakers. In order to face up to this phenomenon, it is necessary to study where these ruptures with tradition occur in the language and in what intensity they occur, in order to be able to organise a specific didactic treatment for them. Within this context, this research studies a set of new emerging forms of Basque, to determine its degree of acceptance by students in the first year studying Basque options in Teacher Training and Journalism degree courses at the UPV-EHU.

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