Irakaskuntza unibertsitarioan erabiltzeko Webgune baten diseinua



Published 2011-10-20
Karlos Santiago Etxeberria Jose Francisco Lukas Mujika


This article has a twofold aim. On the one hand it introduces the design of a web page as a  the other hand it shows the results of the evaluation carried out by students of two subjects in the degrees of Pedagogy and Psicopedagogy about this web page. The experience was fulfilled in the academic year 2003-2004. The evaluation was designed by the designers of the web page themselves. The data was collected through a questionnaire and a group discussion. The results have shown that the web page has been highly used and therefore it has been positively evaluated. From the results of this evaluation and the suggestions made by the students in the web page, the best proposals are exhibited in order to design a new web page.


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