Emozioak eta gorputza hezitzaileen harreman-trebetasunen prestakuntza bidean: esperientzia baten azterketa
Body and emotion on teachers' relational skills training: an experience analysis. This paper is aimed at making public a study on teachers' relational skills training, developed from the experience of fourteen teachers working on a linguistic standardization project axed on leisure education. On the first part of the paper a theoretical framework is developed, specially focusing on the relevance of emotion for the practical knowledge developed by educators when they become involved with students in a professional context. In this situation, the teacher's relational skills are of great relevance to the educational act. Therefore a global description of the five main relational skills, which account for the ways of contact that can shape a successful relationship, is carried out according to literature.
During this research, teachers were trained to develop these five primary ways of contact through experiential learning, which is based on the human body and its sensations. For teachers, experiencing their own body provides a good way to enter an emotional level.
After briefly reviewing the research planning and methodology, its final results and conclusions are presented, as well as proposals for the future training of new teachers that further advance in this research line.