Autokontzeptu-eskalaren euskaratzea



Published 2012-02-21
Paula Elosua Oliden


This paper is aimed at adapting the AFA-A self-concept scale to the Basque language. The study of the psychometric properties of this scale lies on the search for valid internal and external evidences. Internal evidences are based on content analysis carried out by a panel of experts and on assessing the dimensionality of this scale through a confirmatory factor analysis on a matrix of variances-covariances. Relationships between the different dimensions of self-concept and the education level and gender variables grant the external validity of the scale. Provided that the scale itself is an adaptation, the results of an equivalence study between the original version and the adapted version are of particular relevance. This study will be based on the mean and covariances structures model, which provides an appropriate framework for the factor invariance analysis of this test. The adapted scale complies with the requirements needed for configuration, measurement and force equivalence.

Abstract 105 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 174

