Lanbide Heziketa. Euskal Herriko kalitate eredua



Published 2012-02-22
Jaume Sarramona


In the European Union a great deal of hard work is being undertaken in order to improve training within it. Manifestations of this are the summit celebrated in March 2000 in Lisbon, the objectives and criteria accepted in the Stockholm Assembly in March 2001 or the five operational objectives to be fulfilled by the year 2010 which were defined by the European Commission in 2002. This article analyses the characteristics of Professional Training within the Spanish State to later pass on to point out the weaknesses of the Basic Professional Training and to analyse the possibilities which the Specific Professional Training can offer. In reference to the Basque Autonomous Community some figures and experiences are presented which lead to the consideration of the centres of Professional Training of the aforementioned community as pioneers and even as models.

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