Guztiontzako gizartea. Ezintasunak dituzten pertsonen Europako urtea dela eta



Published 2012-02-22
Amando Vega Fuente Pello Aramendi Jáuregui


The concept of «disability» and its implications both educational and social are analysed in this essay. The year 2003 is designated by the European Community as the year of disability, given that it is ten years since equal rights for the disabled were recognised by the UN. Today, in the 21st century, the disabled suffer from discrimination and lack of opportunities in many aspects of daily life (employment, social security, education, leisure...). Society alleviates these consequences by means of «aid» destined for people of «different status», without their integration and social insertion becoming a reality in the full sense. This article means to reflect and verify the manifold claims of people who also belong to this society, who live with us and who are categorised in a mysterious way as «different».

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