Sozializatze-estiloen garapena



Published 2011-10-20
Paula Elosua Oliden Begoña Arrieta Egaña Begoña Unanue Artola Alazne Aizpitarte Gorrochategui


The process of parental socialisation and its repercussions on children and adolescents has been researched both in its cross-cultural dimension and in its psychological and education dimension. The interest of psychologists and pedagogues is founded in the idea that the socialisation process will depend not only on the child's adaptation but also their role in society and their contribution to their community. Within a theoretical framework which defines the parental socialisation styles using a bi-dimensional and dynamic model, the objective of this work is to describe the styles of socialisation found in a sample extracted from the Basque Country Autonomous Community. At the same time and due to a lack of psycho-pedagogical instruments for this purpose, there is a wish to obtain evidence of the validity that the Basque language is adapted to the «Styles of parental socialisation ESPA29» scale. The adapted version of the scale was administered to 1184 students aged between 10 and 17. In general, the results indicate equivalence between scales (original/adapted) and statistically significant differences in the values found within the dimensions which define the different styles of socialisation regarding age and gender.
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