Gaitasun morala eta ezagutza sozio-pertsonalaren azterketa ertain eta unibertsitateko laginetan



Published 2011-10-20
Santiago Palacios Gurutze Etxezarreta


This paper deals with the moral development and moral education by means of cognitive evolutionary psychology's frames and ideas, models and instruments developed by Piaget, Kohlberg, Lind and Turiel are reviewed. Some of the hypothesis that are derived from those theoretical models have been tested. Among others, the one that relates moral capability to the educational level (Lind) or the one that indicates a differential use of the domains of moral, conventional and personal knowledge connected with age (Turiel). For this reason, in the second part of paper, the empiric data picked up from two students's samples of secondary school and university students are showed. According to these data, evolutionary changes are more striking in relation to sociopersonal reasoning (Turiel) than to moral capability (Lind). In any way, more investigations are required to explain these data.

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