Hezkuntza-komunitatearen zeregina kultura ondarearen transmisioan



Published 2015-05-20
Iñigo Ramirez de Okariz Telleria


What is the role of education, from the perspective of participation, in the management of cultural heritage? In our view, its challenge is to articulate, in the best way possible, the space between educational managers and social agents, without losing sight of its own objectives and strategies, and considering every form and stage in the formal education system. In fact, it is advisable to involve children and adolescents in the protection and dissemination of cultural heritage. On the other hand, in the case of the non-formal education the challenge lies in the creation of educational processes between social agents and educational managers. What strategy should be implemented in order to shape all this? In the present article we attempt to answer this question, building on the views of several experts.

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