The Audiovisual and the Mobile Phones in Morocco's Social Unrest
Lucía Benítez
Public places in Morocco, like other Arab countries, lived in the spring of 2011 the discontent of those who, forced by the closure of opportunities because of the economic crisis in Europe, had returned to home after years of escaping from regimes of control, censorship and power. Through the breaches in the system of censorship, unemployed youths were receiving daily images of the surrounding world, especially through Aljazeera, a TV channel wich was pressing Arab governments on different democratic issues. Given the low rate of access to the Internet, television and mobile phones played a definitive role in the riots.
How to Cite
Benítez, L. (2013). The Audiovisual and the Mobile Phones in Morocco’s Social Unrest. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 18(35).
(c) UPV/EHU Press