Cannabis news frames in the spanish press. Applicattion of the theory of framing



Published 21-07-2015
Carlos A. Ballesteros José Luis Dader Carlos Muñiz


The news frames used by the Spanish press to inform about the cannabis present a fixed role-casting where each actor plays almost always the same action, that is assessed almost always in the same way. This role-casting works in favor of certain news sources and actors (the Police, the Law, politicians) who are used to give a possitive image of themselves, whilst other actors (cannabis consumers) are only used to give a negative image of themselves. Besides, individuals were responsible for causing the problems about cannabis, whereas the institutions had the responsability for solving them.

How to Cite

Ballesteros, C. A., Dader, J. L., & Muñiz, C. (2015). Cannabis news frames in the spanish press. Applicattion of the theory of framing. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 20(38).
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