Social media as a tool to restore the past. Political content of John F. Kennedy's Twitter account



Published 09-12-2015
Pere Franch Elena Yeste


The present article studies the political aspects of the messages published in the Twitter account @JFKsaid, created by the JFK Library to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Kennedy's presidency. Through the content analysis methodology, we study quantitatively the political content of the 3.253 messages published in Twitter 50 years after Kennedy's term. We observe how Kennedy's political legacy is transmitted today, whose presidency was characterized by the welfare state and civil rights and involved in Cold War politics.

How to Cite

Franch, P., & Yeste, E. (2015). Social media as a tool to restore the past. Political content of John F. Kennedy’s Twitter account. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 20(39).
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