The Portrait Art in Manuel Chaves Nogales



Published 27-05-2016
Álvaro Pérez Álvarez Antonio Martínez Illán


This article studies the characterization art in a selection of newspaper articles written by the Spanish journalist Manuel Chaves Nogales (Seville, 1897 – Madrid, 1944). Specifically, the investigation analyzes 18 pieces of different genres (chronicles, portraits, interviews) where the character is essential. Through them you can see the evolution in the characterization of Chaves, his quest to reveal the character of people in the news through meaningful scenes by a few strokes that indirectly show their political, social and journalistic concerns.

How to Cite

Pérez Álvarez, Álvaro, & Martínez Illán, A. (2016). The Portrait Art in Manuel Chaves Nogales. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 21(40).
Abstract 499 | PDF (Español) Downloads 976


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