Online travel journalism and innovation: Profiles, aims and bloggers' motivations



Published 30-11-2017
Dolors Palau Sampio
Mariia Lekant


The online travel journalism has experienced a boom in the last decade, with the emergence of thousands of blogs devoted to this issue. This research focuses on who are its promoters, what are their aims and if they conceive these blogs as entrepreneurship initiatives in the journalistic field. To achieve this purpose an online survey was conducted, with 35 questions structured in five blocks. The results show that the majority of the surveyed bloggers come from outside of the journalistic field and, despite engaging in the project as a hobby, half of them have managed to monetize it.

How to Cite

Palau Sampio, D., & Lekant, M. (2017). Online travel journalism and innovation: Profiles, aims and bloggers’ motivations. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 22(43).
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