From politicians to university: an analysis of the debate about the closing of #RTVV on Twitter



Published 30-11-2017
Fátima Ramos del Cano
Sonia González-Molina


The article analyses the discourse on Twitter of the main actors involved in the closing of "Ràdio Televisió Pública Valenciana" (RTVV). The methodology is based on the content analysis of 1,014 tweets and 904 hashtags published by politicians, journalists, media and Valencian public universities. The aim is to determine the themes and framing functions that they used in their messages about this process. The results show that the most published contents are the informative ones and that each actor seeks to privilege a frame according to their interests.

How to Cite

Ramos del Cano, F., & González-Molina, S. (2017). From politicians to university: an analysis of the debate about the closing of #RTVV on Twitter. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 22(43).
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